LEEAP represents a major energy sector development for Liberia by achieving official commissioning which advances both national power efficiency and expanded access to electricity.
The Liberia Energy Efficiency and Access Project functions through a joint collaboration between the European Union (EU), EU Member States, European Investment Bank, African Development Bank (AfDB) and the Government of Liberia through Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC).
LEEAP has successfully improved the power infrastructure network in Liberia. Through its initiatives the project successfully brought 39,792 new customers onto the national power grid. These new connections included 50 health facilities and pharmacies along with 65 academic institutions and 43 government and public facilities as well as 250 small businesses.
The present infrastructure development consists of building a 45-kilometer (66kV) double-circuit transmission line that connects the Paynesville substation to the Roberts International Airport (RIA) substation. New substations at Schefflin (66/22kV) and RIA (66/33kV) were constructed while distribution networks reached 980 kilometers to connect Paynesville-RIA-Owensgrove and Pleebo-Fish Town.
LEEAP brought substantial changes to Liberia’s social and economic aspects beyond its infrastructure development. The project establishment supported the creation of more than 6,000 jobs where female participation achieved approximately 22%. Community members have experienced decreased criminal activity because of better street illumination and improved social bonds now enable better economic and communication activities.
At the commissioning event EU Ambassador Nona Deprez showcased the EU’s EUR 107 million investment in Liberia’s energy sector and stressed that bloc funding operates as the largest donation to decrease electric prices and promote sustainable power solutions.
According to Jozef Síkela who serves as EU Commissioner for International Partnerships the initiative provides power to thousands of Liberian customers through its Global Gateway project including academic buildings and health facilities as well as businesses and residential homes. Through this project thousands of new employment opportunities became available to residents of the area. The Global Gateway exists to deliver sustainable economic development to partner countries that creates better lives for their citizens.
Vice President Jeremiah Koung thanked EU partners as he made an appeal to the people to meet their electricity service payment responsibilities promptly. He emphasized, “Electricity is business. Electricity should play a role in supporting government operations. It cannot be a liability.”
LEC Interim Managing Director Thomas Z. Gonkerwon praised LEEAP for its powerful influence on Liberia’s energy supply by saying “The successful project completion proves our dedicated commitment to providing electricity access to all Liberians. LEEAP generates positive economic growth effects and job market expansion along with a better standard of living which benefits all communities throughout Liberia.
LEEAP’s successful completion leads Liberia into a major advancement of its energy sector. The Liberia Electricity Corporation continues to commit itself to achieve further energy access expansion while developing solar energy projects and improving national electricity infrastructure. For the country to achieve both energy security and inclusive development into the future national and international stakeholders must continue their collaborative work.